Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Christmas to all the World

We here at Concordia Seminary pray the Lord Jesus Christ, born for your forgiveness, your life,your salvation, would give to you His peace which surpasses all human understanding. We thank the Lord that we have seen His salvation, and now rejoice:

"Rejoice! Rejoice!"

Emmanuel shall come to Thee, O Israel!"


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Where's Jesus?

The title of this blog post is not intended to be a theological one. If it were, the answer would be straightforward. However, this question may be a little more difficult to answer. Take a look at the link below and you will see the meaning of the question.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Why Would Anyone Want to be a Pastor?"

The question posed in the title of this post is that of a recent interview I had with KFUO radio. I thank KFUO for the opportunity to talk about the very important role of encouraging men to become pastors. Of course the title only addresses half the question. One could also ask, "Why would anyone want to become deaconesses?" That question is addressed as well. I certainly enjoyed the casual, candid nature of the dialogue. If you click on the title you will be able to hear the full interview. I hope you find it helpful as you consider the Office of the Holy Ministry or the Diaconate.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Green and Gold(en) Opportunity

If you have just one day to spare but would like to get a sense of how Concordia prepares a man for the pastoral ministry or a woman for the diaconate, I would suggest coming to Green and Gold Day on January 7th. This day is designed to present a day in the life of Concordia Seminary. I have enjoyed these days because I feel that we can show a lot about the Seminary in a short amount of time. So, if you are a college student interested in being a pastor or deaconess, and you do not have anything else scheduled on January 7th, please consider scheduling a Green and Gold Day. Will it be life changing? Probably not. However, I also believe you will walk away with a better idea of what Concordia Seminary is all about.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Picture of the Day

An image of a warmer time. Not too hot; not too cold.

Taste of the Sem 2011: Together with All Creatures

Taste of the Sem 2011 is just around the corner. Thank you to everyone who has already registered. If you are a high school student, and you have not yet registered, please consider coming. This event will be one where you can learn more about the fact that God has created us together with all creatures, and still takes care of us. Presentations will be lead by some of CSL's faculty such as Dr. Charles Arand and Dr. Bob Weise. You will also be matched up with a current seminary student so you can learn more about how CSL prepares men for the pastoral ministry. If you would like to register, just click on the title of this blog post, and you will be taken to the registration page.


Monday, December 13, 2010

The Joys of working in Admissions

As a student worker you often wonder how much fun you'll actually have at your job. I know that having worked for the admissions office at Concordia Seminary for a year now you never know what to expect. Sometimes there is a heaping load of envelopes to stuff. Other days its kinda low key and relaxed. Like the other day when I happened to walk into the office to find that I was now part of a Grand Plan to take out Kyle Castens with foam Nerf Darts. Needless to say an umbrella was broken, darts ended up in the plants, and Kyle was shown just how prepared seminarians are for Spiritual Warfare! Well maybe not spiritual but at the very least Nerf warfare.

SMP Deadline Approaching

I want to remind everyone who is a SMP applicant for spring that the deadline is January 7th. This deadline means that all application materials must be submitted, and all entrance exams passed.
Please call me, 314-505-7224, if you have any questions or concerns.

Kyle Castens

Signs of the Season

Are three pictures worth three thousand words?

8 degrees and Counting

Well, it is certainly not going to be a scorcher today in Saint Louis. After yesterday's Arctic blast, we found ourselves this morning with very frigid wind chills and a little bit of snow.
Thanks to the Seminary snow removal crews armed with shovels, snow blowers, snow plows, salt, sticks, swords-OK, kidding about the last two- the Seminary grounds are safe.
I do anticipate that later today the several hills of campus will be crowded with children of all ages taking runs at the slopes. Personally, I plan on not breaking anything; bruises, well that's another story.
I pray you are safe and warm where you are. If it is frigid and dangerous where you are, I hope you are at home sipping a warm beverage of your choice.